About me

Who I am

[dferrero@github]:~/ $ ./whoiam
-bash: ./whoiam: Permission denied
[dferrero@github]:~/ $ chmod +x whoiam
[dferrero@github]:~/ $ ./whoiam
You should not set +x to all users... ;)

I am David, an IT guy focused on security since 2012. I have been working focusing on Blue Team with SIEMs, IDS/IPS, vulnerability scanners and analyzing malware. I have also worked as Red Team performing penetration tests.

I don’t pretend to be a professional mobile developer (mostly iOS), but I like to spend some time learning how to create apps and how they work. If some day I finally finish an app, it will appear on Projects section.

Some of my hobbies are listen and play music (I know how to play over six instruments, although I usually do it only three), reading, motorbikes and writing. And that’s the reason why I have opened this site.

Main objective of this blog is to write from time to time, so I could practice and improve my English. Please, if you find a typo/misspell/error in any page, I will appreciate a report to fix it.

I will cover three topics on the blog:

  • Security posts: self-explained.
  • IT posts: everything related to IT and it has no relation with security.
  • Projects: although I am not a full-time open source developer and I prefer to spend my free time with other hobbies, sometimes I have (maybe) interesting ideas which I want to develop and make it “real”. Those who survives and I think they could be interesting for other people will be explained in this section.


If you want to talk with me for any topic, the fastest way is through Telegram, where you can find me here.


This site is running using jekyll and Simple theme by wildflame, with minor changes made by me.

Credits were being removed from the footer section (where I did not like it) and displayed here for copyright and license reasons.